Tara Crosby, District Sales Manager: People have the opportunity to grow personally and professionally and adapt, and the majority of higher-level execs are approachable and seem to care about team members’ well-being and ability to succeed within the organization
Juan M. Villafranca, Operations Manager: The “No Judgment” motto.
Dianne Clemente, Equipment & Projects Manager: Crunch has always been different than any other place of work from day one, from its history with drag to its unique colored walls.
Bishop Garland, Group Fitness Instructor: Crunch has reinvented itself multiple times throughout the years. I think they are in a good space now in the industry.
Andre Cravens, Crunch Group Fitness Manager: The diversity in classes between the training, ages, and people. Crunch allows so much variety and flexibility yet everyone comes together.

Victoria Fernans-Moore, Group Fitness Instructor: Again, “No Judgments” and the fact that we are always implementing new classes and cutting-edge styles of fitness.
Louis Rosales, District Sales Manager: It’s a great destination where everyone has a chance to do great things. We have fun, we set records, we help each department, and we care.
Sarina Jain, Group Fitness Instructor: Crunch is a unique brand and a unique place to teach. They are always looking for something new and exciting, and they back up those ideas that no other gyms do. That is why they are a “No Judgment” place.
Patty Yuen, Group Fitness Instructor: Crunch is unique because of the “No Judgments objective,” of course. I also love Crunch’s dedication to trying new formats, modalities, and toys as well as the brand’s ability to have fun with it all.
Ronni Carlier, Group Fitness Instructor: Crunch allows each instructor to be an individual while remaining part of a community. The “No Judgment” policy helps keep the energy and creativity flowing!

Carolyn Divone, Sr. Director, Operational / Informational Systems: Crunch is fitness meets entertainment. Our Crunch Family is like no other – fun, vibrant, kind, and driven!
Liz Barkan, Group Fitness Instructor: Crunch has a fantastic brand that’s very downtown and very Authentic. And having grown up in the East Village, that means a lot to me.
Carole Steinhäuser, Operations Manager: “Being part of the Crunch brand isn’t just about working for a gym; it’s about embodying a culture of passion, inclusivity, and purpose. My journey with Crunch has been about more than just fitness; it’s been about making a meaningful impact on people’s lives. As a brand ambassador, I’ve had the privilege of shaping member experiences and fostering a sense of community. Moving forward, I’m excited to continue exploring new avenues for growth and innovation within the company, fueled by a shared commitment to living a life of substance and purpose.
Amita Balla, Vice President, Brand Excellence: We get to be who we authentically are in a rapidly growing company.

John Merrion, Director of Sales: We have great people, a great culture, and a great product offering.
Beth Jo Phillips, Group Fitness Instructor: There’s an unpretentious energy that really is welcoming.
Eric Forand, Group Fitness Manager: Crunch truly is where fitness meets entertainment, which is so close to my heart. To be able to live in the Crunch mission statement every day.
Frank Pasquale, Vice President, Sales: We are different. We are not your average health club; we always bring the energy and the fun. Comparing the brand’s footprint now to when I first started is literally night and day. That’s a very powerful and rewarding feeling
Ellen Spivak, Group Fitness Instructor: The ability to be able to flourish, thrive, and be accepted for our own uniqueness as instructors as well as our excellent management. Sharing a huge shout-out to Marc, who is one of the most astounding, extraordinary, and inspiring individuals on the planet. It is an honor to be in his presence, and I mean that, and an honor to have him as our Global Director.

Taz Shirota, Master Trainer: Through the years of change of ownership and management, the higher-ups have always found a way to make me feel welcome and given me reasons to continue my journey as a trainer. Nobody has a crystal ball with the future written on it, but I really hope that I can continue to represent the brand that’s been good to me for over two decades.
Michelle Opperman, Group Fitness Regional Director: It feels like family. There is a culture like no other.
Kirstin Williams, Group Fitness Instructor: The love and passion of all who work at Crunch is unique. I’m so proud to be a part of a team that cares about group fitness, pushing the boundaries, and seeing clients soar and get stronger. I love teaching my yin yoga and opening more folks up to stretching and release with “No Judgments.”
Sugen Ramos, District Fitness Manager: We’re just different. We are not a cookie-cutter gym. We are unique, and to sum it up, we have fun.
Randi Zinker, Corporate Accounts Manager: We are truly “No Judgments!”